MCBFS - International Center for Study of Phenomenon of Solidarność


The Center is a research unit of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, working in cooperation with the NSZZ "Solidarność". It was established on June 19, 2018 by Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski, the Grand Chancellor of UPJPII and Mr. Piotr Duda. The main goals of MCBFS are: mutual scientific cooperation aimed at commissioning the phenomenon of solidarity, as well as creating a spiritual and intellectual background for exploring and strengthening the idea of ​​solidarity in anthropological and moral aspect and ideas by the NSZZ "Solidarność" on the basis of Catholic Social Teaching and Christian ethics.

More information, statutes and other important documents defining MCBFS can be found on the MCBFS homepage


18/06/2018, Granada - "The Granada Declaration".

On behalf of the President of the KK of NSZZ "Solidarność" the speech "Experience of Solidarity. Desire for the dignity of an employee and its fulfillment" was delivered by Bogdan Biś. This speech showed the basic lines of action of the emerging MCBFS.


19/06/2018, Zakopane - The MCBFS Foundation Act

Grand Chancellor of UPJPIA, His Eminence Fr. Archbishop prof. dr hab. Marek Jędraszewski and the President of KK of NSZZ "Solidarność" Piotr Duda signed the document "Agreement on scientific cooperation", establishing a new unit of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow - the International Center for Research on the Phenomenon of Solidarity.


03/06/2019, Gdańsk - BHP room. Scientific conference "He woke up Solidarity in us".

Celebrations related to the 40th anniversary of the first pilgrimage of John Paul II to his homeland were held in the BHP Hall of the Gdańsk Shipyard. Part of the program was the scientific conference "He woke up Solidarity in us - 40th anniversary of the first pilgrimage of John Paul II to the Fatherland" organized by the KK of NSZZ "Solidarność" and the International Center for Research on the Phenomenon of Solidarity. Representatives of the highest state authorities, headed by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, were present. A letter sent by President Andrzej Duda was read out.


08/11/2019, Gdańsk, BHP hall - Establishment of the MCBFS Scientific and Program Council during the conference "Solidarity - from human dignity to transnational cooperation".

The report from the conference can be found here (Polish)


04/12/2019 Vatican - Private audience with Pope Francis

A delegation of the International Center for Research on the Phenomenon of Solidarity were received in a private audience by the Holy Father Francis. Report from the audience on the University's home page.


19-20/05/2021 Scientific Conference "Man in relation to ... Solidarity" (on line, in Polish

More than 40 speakers from several scientific fields met to discuss the phenomen of Solidarity. The Center was one of the Organizers of the event.


26/05/2021 Scientific Conference: "Encyclical message: Rerum Novarum, Laborem exercens, Centesimus annus and the possibility of their application in the world of working people". (on line, in Polish)


Conference was recorded and will be available on our Youtube channel. The event was in line with the Polish spirit of Solidarność: a genuine dialogue between intelectuals and representatives of Trade Union. Read more in Polish.


Archibishop of Cracow opening the conference


Director of the Executive board of MCBFS was chairing the whole conference.


Now speaking: Jarosław Lange from NSZZ Solidarność

19-20/11/2021 International Conference co-organized with The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences: "Solidarity as a Communion and Brotherhood of Working People"


 In accordance with the Polish experience of solidarity, during the conference, representatives of the Church, Academia and Working people sat by one (virtual) table. The conference was held in English, Polish and Spanish and it was registered. Videos, after edition, will be published on our Youtube channel.


Currently implemented projects:

  • Publication "Solidarity in public life", Kraków 2021.
  • Publication "Encyclical message: Rerum Novarum, Laborem exercens, Centesimus annus and the possibility of their application in the world of working people"


31-069 Krakow

ul. Bernardyńska 3

room 212



Facebook: @MCBFSolidarnosc





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