Master Thesis


The Master's programme of studies concludes with the defense of the Master's thesis. Students choose and shape the thesis's topic in close cooperation with their supervisor. This process should be started as soon as possible. There is a vast range of topics on which students can conduct their research: ethics, applied ethics, anthropology, social philosophy, philosophy of politics, history of philosophy, philosophy of religion, philosophy of God, Russian philosophy, metaphysics, philosophy of science, philosophy of nature, logic, and many others. If you already have a Master's thesis project in mind and wonder if we can support you, do not hesitate to contact us!

The technical details of preparing the Master's thesis are provided throughout 120 hours of academic seminars (30 hours in each semester) which are given throughout the course of studies.


In the picture: a happy graduate with her happy supervisor - just after the diploma exam!

By the end of studies, the thesis is close to completion. The Head of Studies will announce the dates for both submitting the thesis and the diploma exam. The diploma exam occurs between two and four weeks after submitting the thesis. The first term is usually just after the exam session. According to the Rules of Studies at UPJPII, the last day for thesis submission is the last day of the correction session. In special cases, this can be prolonged, but not by more than 30 days.

The procedure for submitting a Master's thesis is described here:

The student should submit his thesis to the APD system; this submission should consist of one PDF file, not larger than 20 MB. The next steps are taken by the thesis supervisor, who either accepts or rejects the thesis. Once it is accepted, the supervisor submits the file for an anti-plagiarism check. Only after the anti-plagiarism procedure is completed, and its outcome is accepted by the supervisor, can the last semester of the seminar be passed. The student should then submit his "Declaration of Readiness to Take the Diploma Examination", the thesis chart from the APD system, and one printed copy of the thesis to the Dean's office (Kanonicza 9 street, room 201). The printed copy of the thesis should be downloaded from the APD system, printed with a two-sided version, and bound with an approved cover. Once these steps are completed, the thesis is considered submitted.

The thesis receives two reviews, one from the Supervisor and another from an expert in the chosen field who is either a full professor or a dr. hab.

Before the final examination, students are supposed to declare if they want extra copies of the graduation diploma or copies of the diploma in a different language.

The final diploma exam consists of three questions, each of them related to the thesis and general knowledge of philosophy.


In the picture, from the left: a diploma committee member, a newly-graduated student from MA Philosophy in English, the reviewer of the Master's thesis, and the supervisor of the Master's thesis

A student may request their diploma exam to be held online or in public. The request should be submitted to the Head of Studies.

The final grade listed on the diploma consists of:

  • The average grades of the course of studies (50%)
  • The average grades from the thesis's reviews (25%)
  • The grade from the diploma exam (25%)

The final score is given according to the grading scale:

4.51-5.0 = 5.0

4.21-4.50 = 4.5

3.51-4.20 = 4.0

3.21-3.50 = 3.5

below 3.21 = 3.0


In the picture: Graduates of the first edition of Philosophy in English with their supervisors, the diploma committee members, and the head of secretaries. The picture was taken just after the diploma exam, on the balcony of the Faculty.

A diploma with honors can be received by a student whose average grade from the course of studies was a minimum of 4.8 and who also received a 5.0 review on their thesis.

An absence from the diploma exam can be either justified or not. In the event of a justified absence, a new first term for the exam will be designated. If there is an unjustified absence from the exam, a second term for the exam will be designated. In the case of an unjustified absence from the second term of the exam, the student will be removed from the list of studies by the dean. Failing the diploma exam results in the designation of a second term to resit the exam. In the event of failing the diploma exam in the second term, the student will be removed from the list of studies by the dean. However, this final point is a necessary legal addendum and has never happened with any of our students.

Good luck with your Master's thesis!





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