Students' Opinions
We create our studies for the students who pursue them, which is why their viewpoints and critique matter to us. We strive to take the thoughts and ideas of our students and educators into account so that we can continuously improve our offer, both in the study program and the didactic workshops of each of our lecturers. On this page, you can find some of our students' opinions of the MA Philosophy in English program!
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When they say philosophy is “the study that will change your life”, they are not joking. MA Philosophy, Ethics, and Religion is an incredible program that makes you think, question, analyze, and wonder from the very first day. My husband's decision to study in Krakow inspired me to look for a program of studies as well. And when I found MA Philosophy, Ethics, and Religion, it looked like the perfect fit for my search to understand the universe. The professors at UPJP2 possess immensely deep knowledge in their field of expertise and they do everything they possibly can to help you walk safely on the bumpy road of the history of thoughts. Each of them provides you with a unique opportunity to sharpen your intellectual skills. If you seek a way to invest in yourself, then the MA Philosophy, Ethics, and Religion programme - even if you don't have any background in the field, like me - definitely won't disappoint you.
Atika (Class of 2022)
There are several reasons why I have decided to enroll in the masters in philosophy. First, I find many questions which were raised during the ancient times quite challenging to find a particular answer to them even today. In order to answer those questions well, I believe I need to ask them well and philosophy helps with that as it is very crucial to the development of critical thinking. Also, coming from a political background (my previous education), I desired to develop more into the discipline of political philosophy and I find the latter one playing a role in the specification of relations of us as citizens to the state by possessing all the rights and responsibilities.
I chose this program because all courses are offered in English language and the timing of classes is very practical and flexible for me to manage both working and studying. In addition, in order to enroll in the studies it is not necessary to have another degree in philosophy because the program itself is planned in a way which prepares students from different backgrounds with a general philosophical knowledge, especially by the mandatory and mongraphic courses. I highly appreciate the class schedule, which is quite flexible and manageable for me as I also work full-time. Most importantly, professors are well-prepared, willing to advise the students and organize the lectures in the discussion form. On the other hand, classes and textbooks are quite interesting so far.
I decided to relocate from Belgium to Krakow,Poland almost 2 years ago because of a job opportunity. Before arriving here, I thought I would return back in less than a year; however, my opinion changed drastically when I moved here. Krakow was a love with the first sight: its rich history is felt everywhere from churches and museums to the architecture of buildings to the taste of traditional Polish food. Living in Krakow has made me feel closer to God than in any other countries I used to live or visit. Financially and socially speaking, Krakow is a city where you can find cheap accommodation, affordable restaurants and places to eat or drink, as well as a great international environment due to students who choose Poland to study and hundreds of international investments and big companies with young and open-minded people.
Jacob (Class of 2022)
In the picture: Jacob, with Dr. Jakub Synowiec, Ph.D. and Rev. prof. Władysław Zuziak, just after his graduation.
The Pontifical University of John Paul II is an incredible university where you will have the freedom to dive deep into your philosophical interests; Whether that be philosophical anthropology, ancient philosophy, philosophy of God, you name it, we have professors here that are knowledgeable in their specific disciplines who will help guide you and teach you so you be well developed in your area of interest. I chose to come to Krakow, Poland because I knew of the great opportunities I would have at UPJPII. I chose to attend UPJPII out of all of the universities in Poland through NAWA (National Agency of Academic Exchange) with their scholarship, “Poland My First Choice.” This scholarship is for foreigners all across the world and allows you to study for free at the university of your choice and to receive a scholarship/living stipend to cover your expenses while abroad. I encourage you to apply and come and join us at UPJPII for your academic adventure in a country that has seen a lot of history and has the most beautiful city in the world, Krakow.
Liza (Class of 2022)

I met some of the UPJPII professors at a webinar in Warsaw (organized by the Effective Altruism Foundation). After chatting with them I decided to give studying with UPJPII a try, since it's all online this semester. I really enjoyed the webinar, and the spirit of the organizers (Phoenix Institute). With the UPJPII professors, I feel the same spirit as the Phoenix Institute...which is pursuit of the meaning of what it is to be a human. A quest for the truth and goodness. As well, the specific relationship approach used by professors to build a trusting relationship with each student; a relationship where the student is a valued person with their own ideas and just a number. The professors care about you as a person. What I like most is that we are actually studying philosophy. This means we are looking for answers on our own. And we relate the questions posed by philosophers over the course of history to now with our personal lives; we see the relevance. With the answers, we see the realization of our quest for truth. And our professors are our mentors. They encourage us to not repeat what someone else said for the sake of connecting a concept to an author. We don’t look only for answers with philosophers only, but as I have found in others classes at UPJPII, we can find them in works of literature as well.
Asif (Class of 2021)

The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow gave me an exceptional academic experience in Poland. Both the faculties and staff were very friendly. The University is approachable and considerate, which I think is incredibly important for international students. As well, our teachers were really helpful in providing support, courses materials, etc. And of course, not to forget the beautiful city of Krakow where you feel safe and at home. Overall, I’m happy with the Pontifical University of John Paul ii in Krakow, Poland.
Ewa (Class of 2021)
Hi, I'm Ewa, I’m a student of the 2nd year MA programme in Philosophy in English, and I’m terribly sorry that it does not last longer. Before I came here, I had had no philosophical background and the idea to study philosophy had not crossed my mind until I saw a poster advertising this programme and asked myself "why not? This decision, made on the spur of a moment, turned out to be one of the best decisions in my life. I’m in intellectual paradise – if thinking is not an activity you avoid at all costs, there is a place here also for you. Philosophy is in the air, but without studying it, you will be like a cave dweller exposed only to the shadows on the wall And studying philosophy at UPJP2 is the icing on the cake: the teachers, the courses, fellow students, Kraków (the most beautiful city in the world), and the old university buildings are all crème de la crème.
However, be warned: if you start studying philosophy, your book and film preferences will change drastically: your heroes will no longer be Harry Potter, Frodo Baggins, Sherlock Holmes, and Katniss Everdeen... but Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Peter Singer, Michael Sandel, and Hannah Arendt!
Sofie, Erasmus Student 2022/23
I was curious to study in Poland because my family is Polish. It seemed exciting to make memories in the same country that my mother grew up in. What I liked about UPJP2 is that my courses took place in the beautiful city centre of Krakow. Also, it was always possible to ask for individual support - even in the lectures. As I am almost new to Philosophy, it was most interesting to gain an overview of the main problems in the field. Also, I learned about the Philosophy of John Paul II from probably the most specialized professors.
Monica, Erasmus Student 2020/21
I am actually not a philosophy student, I am studying Theological and religious sciences, course - religion teacher. When I decided to go on a student exchange I looked at the list of subjects and became really interested in philosophy subjects because they seemed very interesting. They are about actual topics, and things that are important to discuss. I was also looking forward to discussing those topics with many foreign students and having the opportunity to see their points of view. UPJPII seemed like a small University "with a soul". I wanted to be part of a small, but warm and welcoming, academic community and by now I don't think I have made a mistake by choosing it. I like the approach of the teachers who are trying to present philosophy in an interesting and modern way. Before I thought that there are not many connections with ancient philosophy and our everyday life, but through some classes I have realized that there are nowadays several trends that can be explained by philosophy and thoughts from different points of view.