Karta Pobytu and Temporary Residency
Legal Issues
In order to study in Poland, students will need to contact the Polish embassy in their region (found here) to determine the best way to legalize their future stay. Please keep in mind that legalization procedures are liable to change, so it is best to maintain contact with your embassy in case of any questions. This section will discuss the process for obtaining the residency card (Karta Pobyta). It will not discuss the process of applying for a visa, which varies depending on each student's home country.
Students traveling to Poland will need to clarify with their embassy if they are required to obtain a visa before entering Poland or if they are entitled to a period of time in the country visa-free. More information may be found here. Upon entering Poland, it is necessary for all non-Polish nationals to register their stay. This is applicable to both non-EU and EU students.
The Karta Pobyta is necessary for (non-EU/EFTA) individuals who wish to stay in Poland longer than 90 days and do not have a visa that covers their stay. A series of documents are required in order to apply for the residency card on the basis of studies. Applications for the residency card should be submitted at least 45 days before the visa's expiration:
- a completed application plus a copy (must be filled in Polish)
- a copy of the applicant's passport and an official translation of the document into Polish
- a document proving the applicant has health insurance (if the health insurance contract is in a language other than Polish, an official translation must also be submitted)
- an official letter confirming the applicant holds student status in Poland or the letter of acceptance to an exchange/scholarship program from the host university. This letter should have information about the period of study and be in Polish or have an official translation
- a declaration that the applicant has sufficient financial resources to cover their stay in Poland. This can be a bank statement. The amount should be enough to cover rent, studies, health insurance, and expenses for the duration of the applicant's stay in Poland. The Urząd can indicate the needed amount.
- 4 passport-style photographs (3,5 cm x 4,5 cm) meeting official guidelines
The applicant should make an appointment with the Urząd (rezerwacja.opt@muw.pl) in order to file their documents. The applicant will be assigned a case manager who is in charge of updating the applicant on their status, requesting additional documents, or conducting interviews, if necessary. The applicant will be granted permission to stay within the territory of Poland while waiting for their card (given in the form of a passport stamp).

Useful contact information:
Place for conducting Karta Pobyta activities --> Wydział Spraw Cudzoziemców
Małopolskiego Urzędu Wojewódzkiego w Krakowie
Address --> ul. Przy Rondzie 6 (Rondo Mogilskie)
Website --> info.opt@muw.pl
Telephone --> 12 39 21 804 / 12 39 21 868
More information --> www.muw.pl