Philosophy in English News
Here you can see what the Philosophy in English students have been up to. We invite you to check back regularly and find out more about our adventures in discovering knowledge and uncovering the wisdom of the ages.
October 1, 2023
For the Winter Semester 2023/24, dr. Karol Petryszak, Ph.D. will be substituting dr. Jakub Synowiec, Ph.D. as Head of Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy. During this time, we kindly ask you to direct your inquiries to dr. Petryszak. Thank you for your cooperation!
May 18, 2023
The second Open Lecture of the Summer Semester 22/23 series will be led by Dr. Robert Piechowicz, Ph.D. The lecture will demonstrate how, by looking at the relationship between language and the mind, it can be understood that communicative activity is an important part of the human's cognitive abilities. See you there!
May 6, 2023

April 13, 2023

March 23. 2023

February 14, 2023
In the summer semester, our faculty offers four monographic lectures in English. Monographic lectures are genuine lectures that introduce the current research of our teachers and guest professors. The discussions during classes allow the students to contribute to our research.
The topics for the summer semester in the academic year 2022/2023 are:
Introduction to Cognitive Science of Religion
The development of Freedom in Medieval Philosophy
Human Compatible: Current Problems of AI
Ethics of AI or AI Ethics
Monographic lectures in English can be a part of the studies of those students who study Philosophy in Polish. Incoming Erasmus students are also welcome to join. Topics 1 and 2 will be conducted online. Each of the lectures is planned as 15 two-hours meetings and the student's workload is estimated to be 2 ECTS.
February 3, 2023

December 24, 2022
Reverend Professor Jarosław Jagiełło extends his Christmas wishes to UPJP2's faculty of Philosophy family. We wish all of our friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
November 30, 2022
We warmly invite you to join us on December 17 at 1700, Central European Time, for Rev. Professor hab. Wojciech Grygiel's open lecture "Evolving Theology in the Evolving Universe". The lecture will be held on the Webex platform. The link will be available on our Facebook page and website 24 hours before the lecture.
November 22, 2022
We are pleased to announce the return of MA Philosophy, Ethics, and Religion's open lectures! Each of the lectures will take place on the WebEx platform, and will be available to all interested viewers. More details are available on our Facebook page and website.
October 15, 2022
The new academic year will be inaugurated on October 17 at 10:00 am We invite you to join us at the Sanctuary of Saint John Paul II in Krakow for this solemn event!
July 15, 2022
We are delighted to share some good news from our Faculty. Three of our MA Philosophy in English students graduated yesterday! Equipped with philosophical skills and knowledge, they will serve society as profound thinkers. With GPAs close to 5.0, great theses which all received the grade of 5.0, and successful defenses that went very well, our graduates were awarded diplomas with honors. We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Atika, Karolina, and Jacob.Although you are leaving us now to make your mark in the world, we hope you continue developing the knowledge gained in our classes. And we hope you come to visit us in the future!
June 4, 2022
Important dates for the defense of masters theses in 2022 ...
Thursday, July 14, 2022 (submission of the thesis by June 30, 2022)
Thursday, September 08, 2022 (submission of the thesis on August 30, 2022)
Tuesday, October 04, 2022 (submission of the thesis on September 11, 2022)
Thursday, October 27, 2022 (submission of the thesis on October 11, 2022, only for students with special permission of the supervisor and head of studies, issued before 11.09.2022)
June 2, 2022
Philosophy in the Mountains Conference 2022!
Philosophers are thinkers....and humans! One must think and learn, but one must also live. Both Socrates and Aristotle are known for their philosophical walks with students. These events involved thinking, but also physical activity! Books are a great part of our studies, but so are fellowship and community. Jean Jaques Rousseau said "To travel on foot is to travel in the fashion of Thales, Plato, and Pythagoras. I find it hard to understand how a philosopher can bring himself to travel in any other way; how he can tear himself from the study of the wealth which lies before his eyes and beneath his feet." Our philosophy students were in agreement with Rousseau as they followed Socrates' and Aristotle's examples this past weekend. The Philosophy faculty took to the mountains for an intense weekend of conferences and exploring. Nestled in the Kościeliska Valley, we found ourselves immersed in discussion and nature. Our students were able to give presentations on their research, as well as listen to talks by some of our professors and doctoral students. It was a great weekend, in the fine tradition of our annual "Filozofia w Górach" series, and we look forward to coming together again next year!
May 20, 2022
Open lectures ... new friends ... and Business Ethics!
We had a blast last night at the Open Lecture on Business Ethics! Thank you to everyone who came, and especially to Professor UPJPII dr. hab. Joanna Mysona Byrska for sharing her wisdom with us. See you guys next semester for more discussions during our open lectures!