Thesis defence day 14.07.2022

We are delighted to share some good news from our Faculty. Three of of our MA Philosophy in English students have graduated today. Equipped with philosophical skills and knowledge, they will serve society as profound thinkers. With GPAs close to 5.0, great theses which all received the grade of 5.0, and successful defences that went very well, our graduates were awarded diplomas with honors. We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Atika, Karolina, and Jacob. Although you are leaving us now to make your mark in the world, we hope you continue developing the knowledge gained in our classes. And we hope you come visit us in the future!
We would also like to thank NAWA for its financial support. Two of our graduates were beneficiaries of the NAWA „Poland my First Choice” programme, which enabled them to pursue studies with us.
Fot. Nelia Titova/archiwum WF UPJPII