Sanitary restrictions on UPJPII in connection with the pandemic

On October 30, 2021, the regulation of the Council of Ministers on sanitary restrictions in the event of an epidemic comes into force.
The regulation is consistent with the guidelines introduced by the Order of the Rector of UPJPII No. 67/2021 of September 21, 2021, on the introduction of a security procedure in the UPJPII during the coronavirus epidemic during the academic year 2021/2022.
We would like to remind you about the procedures for complying with the safety rules - in particular about the fact that students, doctoral students, lecturers and administrative staff are required to learn about the safety procedure at UPJPII (Rector's Ordinance 67/2021)
Students are required to wear masks on their own (covering the mouth and nose) and use them on the premises of the UPJPII buildings.
Students should monitor their health and avoid situations that may lead to the spread of the disease. If it means the inability to participate in the classes, the lecturer should be notified in order to justify the absence and make up for the material.
Full guidelines for PhD students and students in Attachment
We encourage you to read the entire Regulation of the Rector of UPJPIA:
Zarządzenia Rektora / Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej (
And the regulation:
akty prawne do ISAP-u (
ATTENTION STUDENTS! according to the latest ordinance of the rector, it is obligatory to report the incidence of covid (positive test result) to the head of studies