Quod bonum, felix, faustum fortunatumque sit - official inauguration ceremony on 42nd anniversary of the pontificate of St. John Paul II

On the 42nd anniversary of the pontificate of St. John Paul II - the patron of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow- the inauguration ceremony for the new academic year 2020/2021 was held at the Sanktuarium Św Jana Pawła II in Krakow (Shrine of St. John Paul II). The Holy Mass was celebrated by Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz, who was the long-time secretary of John Paul II and the former Grand Chancellor of The Pontifical University of St. John Paul II. The homily was given by Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski, Archbishop of Krakow and current Grand Chancellor of The Pontifical University of St. John Paul II.
Due to the current COVID- 19 pandemic situation, the protective restrictions which are currently in place meant that only a few people could attend the event in person. However, our university team was connected online. We could hear our archbishop recall the life and teachings of our patron saint. St. John Paul II was focused on truth, and so our archbishop reminded us about our mission at the university as philosophers:
"The world is waiting for the truth," said the Archbishop, "young people want the truth, and the university has to respond to this need. The university which serves the truth is the glory of God"
After the Holy Mass, during his inauguration speech, the Rector of the University, rev. Prof. Robert Tyrała, also echoed the thoughts of John Paul II:
"The time when we start the new academic year is not easy, as we all know, but we - who make up the community of our University - are people of hope, as our great patron and guide, John Paul II, taught us to be. Therefore we repeat to each other - Do not be afraid!(Nie lękajcie się)".
The Rector also encouraged us to dialogue:
“This implies conversation and the ability to listen as to how to be different wisely. In this way, the differences that exist by nature do not obscure what constitutes the strength of the human community, and that they do not create divisions ... I am asking everyone to take care of the University as it is our common home, because only in this way can we be a clear sign for the Church and the Fatherland. Only in this way - together, in our community - will we be able to carry out effectively what is the motto and task of our university: go and make disciples of all men.
The academic year was started by the rector with the traditional wish: quod bonum, felix, faustum fortunatumque sit. We wish it for all our friends and those in our community.