National Scientific Conference “In Search of a Secretive Phenomenology”

The Department of the History of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Kraków is pleased to invite you to the conference “In Search of a Hidden Phenomenology”. The conference will focus on the variety of phenomenological methods and their application in various fields of research. The conference will be held on May 19-20, 2022 in the Conference Room of the Pontifical University Library.
“I” and the Other, the world of nature and the world of values, the sacred and God represent only some of the phenomena that the method initiated by Husserl and developed and modified by numerous phenomenologists sought to describe. It strove at its origins to grasp the essence of what transpires, while rejecting earlier presuppositions, theories, and speculations. But is the application of the presuppositionless method still possible in today's world dominated by scientism, and does the obvious ensure the true? Isn't the phenomenology today a method that is receding into the background of other philosophical trends, or is it itself concealed under the veil of scientificness derived from empiricism and positivism? The answers to these questions will be explored in the fields of philosophy, psychology, sociology, medicine, art and literature, and theology. Students, doctoral students, and academics are invited to contribute to this search. We will discuss not only the original understanding of phenomenology as a method and its subsequent development, but also the possibilities of its application today.
Should you be interested in taking part in the conference, please fill in the application form and send your paper outline in Polish or English (max. 3000 characters including spaces) by April 15, 2022. The registration form is available at In case of a larger number of submissions, the organizers reserve the right to select the papers. You will receive confirmation of acceptance of your paper within a few days after the submission deadline. Speeches at the conference should not exceed 20 minutes.
Papers in the form of scientific articles will be published in a peer-reviewed monograph published by the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Kraków or in a special issue of a scientific journal mentioned on the Ministry of Education and Science list. The conference fee is PLN 70 (lunch on one day) or PLN 120 (lunch on each day of the conference) and will also cover the cost of publication. Deadline and payment information will be provided upon acceptance of the paper to the conference.
The organizers reserve the right to alter the formula of the event and introduce other changes dictated by current sanitary regulations. Any questions about the conference should be emailed to: