From 01/25/2022 remote classes, exam session also in the remote form

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Ordinance No. 4/2022 of the Rector of UPJPII of January 24, 2022 on the implementation of classes with the use of distance learning methods and techniques and the verification of the achieved learning outcomes specified in the study program in the winter semester of the academic year. 2021/2022.
Pursuant to the Rector's order, all classes and exams will be held remotely from tomorrow to the end of the examination session.
[unofficial translation - for internal use]
Organization of education
§ 1
- From January 25 to January 31, 2022 at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, all classes for students, doctoral students, postgraduate students and participants of other forms of education are carried out using distance learning methods and techniques, taking into account paragraph 2.
- The provisions of sec. 1, classes conducted in studies with a practical profile, which shape practical skills or which require direct access to research or laboratory infrastructure, may be excluded.
- The classes referred to in sec. 2 is determined by the deans, in consultation with the relevant head of the field of study and heads of inter-faculty units (in the case of foreign language courses and physical education classes).
- Classes with the use of distance learning methods and techniques are carried out with the use of infrastructure and software ensuring synchronous and asynchronous interaction between participants and teachers.
- Classes are conducted with the use of the Microsoft Teams platform. In particularly justified cases, the use of the Moodle platform is allowed.
- Persons conducting classes with the use of distance learning methods and techniques are required to:
- conduct classes in real time, on the dates provided for in the schedule of classes;
- immediately inform their participants about the method of conducting classes via the platforms referred to in §2 sec. 2;
- provide their participants with all necessary information regarding the organization and implementation of individual classes;
- providing their participants with the possibility of remote consultations conducted in real time, in accordance with the adopted duty schedule;
- supplementing the skills in the use of IT tools used to implement remote education.
- The persons conducting the classes are responsible for the quality of the educational materials prepared and made available.
Organization of the examination session
- From 25 January to 23 February 2022, the verification of the learning outcomes specified in the study program, and in particular the examinations at the end of specific classes in the winter semester of the 2021/2022 academic year, generally takes place using electronic means of communication (form remote), taking into account §6.
- The person conducting the examination decides on the IT tools that will be used to verify the achieved learning outcomes.
- In the case of persons with disabilities, the form of the examination should be adapted to the capabilities of the examinee.
- Remote verification of learning outcomes is documented.
- If the specific nature of the classes makes it impossible or significantly hinders the verification of the achieved learning outcomes with the use of electronic communication means, it is allowed to be carried out on the spot in the University building.
- The person conducting the examination is obliged to immediately inform the persons who will be taking it that the examination will be conducted in a stationary form.
- Verification of the learning outcomes achieved in the winter semester of the academic year 2021/2022 by students of the field of Theology, specialization: priestly theology takes place, as a rule, in a full-time form.
- Verification of the obtained learning outcomes in the stationary form is carried out in compliance with all the rules of the sanitary regime and the safety procedure in force in the UPJPII.
- Persons staying in isolation or in quarantine during the scheduled full-time examination may not proceed with the verification of learning outcomes performed in this form. Such a person is obliged to agree with the person conducting the examination, before the scheduled date of the examination, a different date for taking it in a stationary or remote form, and the new date must fall on the dates of the examination session specified in the UPJPII Calendar.
The ordinance comes into force on the date of signing and is valid until 23/02/2022.
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