
CEEPUS Online Lectures by Dr. Damian Papo (University of Zagreb)

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We invite students to online lectures by Dr. Demian Papo from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, Croatia.
Our guest will deliver three online lectures as part of the CEEPUS academic teacher exchange program.


Meetings will be held in English via the webex platform.
links to webex meeting are under to the title of the lectures

1) General Overview of Croatian Renaissance Philosophy - 2 hrs


 Nubmer of the meeting: 2733 578 5506 
Password: CEPUS2022 

An overview of Croatian Renaissance philosophy shall be offered in the lecture through three phases of this European cultural and spiritual ascent. Each of the phases will be displayed via their respective representatives originating from the Croatian Adriatic coast: Ivan Stojković (c. 1390/1395–1443), Frane Petrić (1529–1597), and Nikola Vitov Gučetić (1549–1610). Emphasis will be placed on their lives and, even more, on their philosophical works and thought.


2) Philosophical Thought of Benedetto Cotrugli - 2 hrs


 Number of the meeting: 2733 069 8799 
Password: CEPUS2022

Benedetto Cotrugli (Benedikt Kotruljević, 1416–1469) was a Croatian Renaissance thinker from Ragusa, today’s Dubrovnik. According to current findings, he wrote two works: Libro del arte dela mercatura (The Book of the Art of Trade, 1458) and De navigatione (On Navigation, 1464). His philosophical thought expressed in these two works will be the focal point of the lecture. The lecture shall encompass both Cotrugli’s moral or practical philosophy (ethics, economics and politics), as well as his natural philosophy.


3) Giovanni Pico della Mirandola’s Oration on the Dignity of Man - 2 hrs


Password: CEPUS2022

The lecture will focus on the philosophical thought of the renown Italian Renaissance philosopher Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463–1494) expressed in his famous Oration on the Dignity of Man (1486). After introductory remarks regarding his life and works, as well as general characteristics of his teaching, the reasons why his youth work is rightfully considered a Renaissance manifesto will be elucidated. Special attention will be paid to philosophical traditions which played a crucial role in shaping his thought and to his angelology.

pobrane-1.jpgDemian Papo, PhD defended his doctoral thesis in 2020 entitled Philosophical Component of Benedikt Kotruljević’s Writings at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Since 2015 as an teaching assistant and since 2021 as a postdoctoral researcher, he is a part of the Chair for Practical Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia. He is currently teaching the following courses: Introduction to Philosophy, Medieval Philosophy, Modern Philosophy I, Academic Writing and Interdisciplinarity: Theoretical and Practical Insights. His main research interest is Croatian philosophical heritage, especially during the Renaissance. His other research interests include: practical philosophy and interdisciplinarity.





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