
Wykład on-line "Moral theories in disasters - understanding of migration and its ethical challenges" dr Katarina Komenska, 08.05.2023, 18:30

05.05.2023 Filozofia
Data: 08.05.2023
Miejsce wydarzenia: Aula w budynku dydaktycznym UPJPII przy ul. Bernardyńśkiej 3
Godzina: 18:30 - 20:00
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Zapraszamy na wykład otwarty online prowadzony w języku angielskim przez dr Katarinę Komenską, która obecnie prowadzi swoje badania na Uniwersytecie Papieskim Jana Pawła II w Krakowie.


Temat wykładu:
„Moral theories in disasters – understanding of migration and its ethical challenges”

As seen in recent trends of migration and forced displacement, the moral and humanitarian challenges related to migration are culturally and morally complex and multisectoral. Responding to these challenges requires cross-cultural and inter-religious endeavour. The presented lecture would therefore, in logical and systematic way introduce numerous aspects of migration (as humanitarian and ethical challenge) to offer participants a general philosophical, humanitarian, and social background.  

For this purpose, the lecture will answer following question?


-          When migration becomes disaster/humanitarian crisis?

-          How does disaster differ from ordinary situation/common situations?

-          Does it affect our process of ethical decision making?

-          Moral theories in humanitarian crisis – example of volunteering and its ethical challenges

-          Which moral theory could be a useful methodology to support systematic philosophical and ethical reflections of disasters?

dr Katarina Komenska has successfully finished her PhD studies in Ethics at the University of Prešov, Slovakia in 2013. She had worked as a research assistant for the following 7 years, while becoming more and more interested in research of Global (bio)ethics and Humanitarian Ethics. In 2020, she decided to gain on-hand experiences in this sector and join one of the humanitarian organisations implementing humanitarian and development projects all around the world. She herself participated on supporting operation of the programmes in Iraq, Syria, and Moldova. 

Her research interest is based in global bioethics, systematic ethics, and animal ethics. Few of her publications are a published study Death, ethical judgments and dignity (2018), a monograph Animal ethics (from the perspective of ethics of social consequences) (2014), and a chapter in collective monograph, The Moral Motivation of Humanitarian Actors (2018). 
Currently, she actively participate at the COST project “Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity" (COREnet). 

Wykład odbędzie się
08 maja 2023 (poniedziałek)
o godz. 18:30
na platformie Webex

Platforma Webex (bezpośredni link do spotkania)

numer: 2731 930 3400
hasło: moral

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dr Jakub Synowiec


Wykład jest częścią cyklu „Open Lectures – Spring 2023”





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