28.03.2022, 19:00 Wykład otwarty: Anthropogenic Existential Risks - a Christian Perspective
Zapraszamy na pierwszy z naszych wykładów otwartych w języku angielskim. wykłady będą się odbywały na platformie Webex i będą okazją, żeby lepiej poznać naszych wykładowców, filozofię, oraz zgłębić ciekawe zagadnienia.
The first of our open lectures to be held online this semester touches the issue of anthropogenic existential risks. We understand ,,anthropogenic existential risk" as indicating anything that has a potential to make humanity cease to exist and is of human origin or altered by human activity. Do Christians have specifically religious motives to not care for anthropogenic existential risk? Or maybe they have special religious motives that motivate them to care for it even more than other people? During the meeting, selectected views from the contemporary debate on this issue will be presented. Feel free to join discussion, comment, and share your views!
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