
Wykład online "Transhumanism as a Techno-Gnostic Challenge to Theological Anthropology", prof. Michal Valčo 24 IV 2023

21.04.2023 Filozofia
Data: 24.04.2023
Miejsce wydarzenia: Online
Godzina: 18:00
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Zapraszamy na wykład otwarty online prowadzony w języku angielskim przez prof. Michala Valčo z Uniwersytetu w Bratysławie, który obecnie prowadzi swoje badania na Uniwersytecie Papieskim Jana Pawła II w Krakowie.

Temat wykładu:
"Transhumanism as a Techno-Gnostic Challenge to Theological Anthropology"

My lecture examines the philosophical and theological underpinnings of transhumanism, a movement that advocates for the use of technology to enhance human abilities and transcend biological limitations. Drawing on the concept of Gnosticism, which posits that salvation (or: liberation, elevation, fulfillment) comes through secret knowledge or gnosis and that the human bodily existence is to be overcome as something inherently limiting, low, and detestable, I argue that transhumanism can be seen as a form of techno-Gnosticism. Transhumanists, like Gnostics, seek to transcend the limitations of the material world through the acquisition of knowledge and the manipulation of reality. In my lecture, I explore the implications of this perspective for our understanding of human nature, ethics, and spirituality, and argue that it raises important questions about the relationship between technology and human flourishing. Ultimately, I contend that while transhumanism offers tantalizing possibilities for human enhancement, it also carries significant risks and challenges that must be carefully considered in any attempt to pursue a transhumanist future.

Wykład odbędzie się
24 kwietnia 2023 (poniedziałek)
o godz. 18:00
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